{September Free SWAP--Got a couple of banners to help guests find their way.
Loving the new logo, Kim Bateman.}
Yes, that's right. That says "September." And, yes, that's right; the current month is...(ahem)...May.
Now that we've gotten that bit of embarrassment out of the way...
Here's our celebration of community sharing.
Furniture, electronics, children's toys, and, yes, musical instruments show up at every swap. Instruments in the past have included a drum set and an organ.
Kids have the best time at the swap! There's so much to see and play with that it can be both a blessing and a curse for the parents.
Sorry and you're welcome! ;)
What a great extended family outing at the park. Pull up a patch of grass, soak in the fall sun and enjoy the feast. New surprises on their way home.
Retro/antique gems for the home artists and a couple of items for the nursery--whether your babies are human or leafy.
Instead of throwing away the items you don't need or want, bring them to the free swap. Chances are your free offerings will be just what your unknown friend needs right now.
We were lucky to be able (in all the high-energy of the swap) to snap shots of both donors and recipients of a couple of items. This is how community sharing adds that extra touch of connection. To see the story of a treasure and its journey from one home to another.
{headboard/footboard--donors above; recipients walking away below}
{donor, left; recipient, right}
We have the most everyday items that come and go. And we always have a handful of quite unexpected donations. Keep 'em coming, folks.
Odd things that you might have seen at the September swap include an ovulation kit (my favorite "unexpected" find), the coolest orange-colored patron to come through our doors, and, my good friend Cowboy Santa helping with promotion.
We love volunteers and have been fortunate to enjoy the delightful company of veterans and new recruits alike--all eager to serve with a smile. Whatever time they have available. Truth is, the free swap would be *impossible* to do without volunteers.
A hearty THANK YOU to all volunteers past and present. (The photos represent some, but not all, of our crew.)
Thank you, thank you!
NEXT SWAP: Saturday 4 June, 8:00 a.m. to noon; Orem City Center Park, Rotary Pavilion (approx 300 East, Center Street)
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