Thursday, September 21, 2017

Fall SWAP Coming Up Soon!

{June SWAP--Ah, such a beautiful day. And a big THANK YOU to the folks at giveit who donated their time, energy, and truck! They were a delight to work with. They have developed a donation app that makes year-round giving so very easy--free pickup(!) and it goes to help local non-profit organizations Check it out.}

By this time of year the yard sales have mostly died down. The weather is changing, the leaves on the mountainside are starting to turn. We think this is a great time to throw a final Free SWAP for the year.

As you're getting out your children's fall/winter clothes, check to see if they still fit. If not, it's the perfect opportunity to share those coats, mittens, and boots with other children who sure could use them.

Another thing that we're finding out about the Fall holiday shopping! Toys, books, recreational equipment, musical instruments, and crafting supplies for the creative minds out there. We've seen them all come and go. For free! 

All thanks to the generosity of our community.

Fall Free SWAP
Saturday 30 September
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Orem City Center Park, Rotary Pavilion
300 East Center Street

{donations accepted 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.}

And, as always, we love volunteers! Come join in the fun.