Thursday, October 12, 2017

Fall SWAP Report

{Our set-up crew--Chris W., you're missing from this photo!--ready to start the fun. We very much missed Kerry, who was gallivanting about London--a little too far away to make it this time.}

The Free SWAP has become a "family reunion" of sorts for many of our volunteers and guests. The children who were too young to volunteer a few years ago are now joining the ranks; it will be fun to see how they grow over the years of Free SWAP photos. 

Service and sharing are values taught and practiced right here. And we are all the better for them.

{Strangers share a bear, a bike, and some toddler toys.}

{New adventures await these items donated by community members.}

{Hooray for new finds!}

{And more new finds.}

{I had to snag a photo of this delightful family after noticing their playful big group hug.}

{This is the second swap where these two have shown up with a box of goodies to share with perfect strangers--sweethearts!}

{Hurricane Irma destroyed their home in Georgia. They are rebuilding their lives here.}

{This is J. She likes books. (Past photos show this.) She said, "I found a book at the first Free SWAP I came to that I have kept in my purse since." To whoever donated that book years's getting plenty of love. And thank you!}

{The senior generation of volunteers got a kick out of this donation--talk about a blast from the past!}

{We called up the folks at GiveIt and they put us in touch with J.  His kids go to a local elementary school that is in the middle of a clothing drive fundraiser. All the leftover clothing went to support one of our community schools. And, thanks, J, for staying to help with clean-up!}


{As for what *I* found and took home? This fully-functional, beautiful vent cover (right) to replace our damaged one (left). Super random. But it fits perfectly! The other went in the recycling bin where it will find new life as something else.}

And so we close out another Free SWAP season. It was a good one. As usual. We love our community. There is so much love and generosity here. Thank you to all who participated, especially the volunteers! We love you! Until next time...

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Fall SWAP Coming Up Soon!

{June SWAP--Ah, such a beautiful day. And a big THANK YOU to the folks at giveit who donated their time, energy, and truck! They were a delight to work with. They have developed a donation app that makes year-round giving so very easy--free pickup(!) and it goes to help local non-profit organizations Check it out.}

By this time of year the yard sales have mostly died down. The weather is changing, the leaves on the mountainside are starting to turn. We think this is a great time to throw a final Free SWAP for the year.

As you're getting out your children's fall/winter clothes, check to see if they still fit. If not, it's the perfect opportunity to share those coats, mittens, and boots with other children who sure could use them.

Another thing that we're finding out about the Fall holiday shopping! Toys, books, recreational equipment, musical instruments, and crafting supplies for the creative minds out there. We've seen them all come and go. For free! 

All thanks to the generosity of our community.

Fall Free SWAP
Saturday 30 September
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Orem City Center Park, Rotary Pavilion
300 East Center Street

{donations accepted 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.}

And, as always, we love volunteers! Come join in the fun.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Summer SWAP Coming Up!

Saturday 3 June
8:00 a.m. to noon
Orem City Center Park, Rotary Pavilion
300 East Center Street

Volunteers are welcome to join starting at 6:30 a.m. to help set up. We are at our best when there are enough hands to help make the magic happen!

We are always in need of folks with larger cargo space to transport any leftover items to area donation centers. That starts at noon.

Make a morning of it: bring a blanket, some snacks, and hang out to witness the generosity within our community.

See you then!

Invite your friends and family

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Fall SWAP Report

It was another rainy swap. (Not as bad as the one from a couple of years ago; just a steady drizzle this time.) But, you know what? People still came.

And freely shared with each other.

Have I mentioned before that I love the Free SWAP? It's just about the best thing ever. It's a win for both the givers and the receivers. It's a win for the environment. It's a win for creativity. And it's a win for Community.

{Givers and receivers together (clockwise from L): a hand-crafted rocking horse, a nativity set, a decorative boat-shelf}

{Excited about new finds: a glass drink dispenser, a dutch oven, an over-flowing bag of clothes, and a T-shirt for this die-hard Hunger Games fan}

{Clockwise from top L: lots of clothes come and go, our family's old stroller went to a veteran volunteer who could use it, baskets, rugged army boots, plant therapy donation, my good friend spreading the word, and a bassinet}

And a hearty big thanks, again, to the volunteers who make it so much fun and help facilitate this community event.

{Some of our crew. We love doing what we do.}

Come join us for the next one!

...which will be:

Saturday 3 June 2017, 8:00 a.m. to noon
Orem City Center Park, Rotary Pavilion
approximately 300 E, Center Street