Saturday, May 10, 2014

Summer Free S:W.A.P. Coming Up!

c o m m u n i t y   f r e e   s : w . a . p .

for everyone and anyone
Saturday, June 7, 2014
8:00 am to 12:00 noon
Orem City Center Park—Rotary Pavilion
North side of Center St. midway between State St. & 400 E.

It’s like a yard sale where everything is free.  Clear out clutter, pass along items you no longer need.   Item donations are welcome—from furniture to home décor to sporting equipment.  Please limit donations to items that can be carried by one or two people; nothing that needs special moving equipment—i.e. dollies for refrigerators, etc.—unless you can assume responsibility for transport to its new home.  Simply bring items to the community free s:w.a.p. and then stay and browse the rest of the selection for anything that you could use. 

Note: NO DONATION REQUIRED; feel free to take what you can use.

There will also be a collection bin for any food bank items guests wish to bring which will later be delivered to the community Food Bank in Provo.

Volunteers needed! Get together a group of friends and join us!  Email

Any other questions can be emailed to above address.

Facebook group: Community FREE S:W.A.P. (Sharing: We All Prosper) - Utah County

s h a r i n g  :  w e . a l l . p r o s p e r .

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Community Free S:W.A.P. goes to BYU Women's Conference

To do: Update resume. Add "Booth Babe."

Several months back I contacted BYU Women's Conference to apply for a booth at its Sharing Stations. My colleague Kerry F. and  I thought it could be a great place to spread those dandelion-seed wishes to other communities around the country, and to tell local folks about our upcoming event. I was told that the conference normally didn't accept outside applications--that it was all done in-house--but that our idea fit perfectly with the theme (service/community) and therefore extended an invitation to us to share our idea.

{Showed how our past Free S:W.A.P.s have gone}

{Included last summer's debut appearance in Utah Valley Magazine, 

We were excited to participate in an event that draws thousands of people each year. Though most of the attendees come from the western United States, there are people from all over the world who come.

{Tiffany D., me, and Kerry F. after the opening session of the conference.}

Kerry F., Tiffany D. and I had an exhaustingly great time preaching our love of the Community Free S:W.A.P. And we got love in return.

{Preach, Kerry!}

Near the end of the night we invited guests to shop our display for free, so they could see the free swap in action. It sure made packing up a bit easier.

{This is a group quilt that I had organized years ago. Several rounds of cutting and sewing and tying. It has been sitting *almost* finished--missing the binding--for YEARS in my basement. This young woman was eager to have it and finish it. 
Thanks to all those who have worked on that throughout the years!}

{Sharing: We All Prosper}

{We love seeing things we don't use any more finding new life with someone else. It works!}

So the grassroots efforts continue.  We are hoping our few voices can be magnified by communities near and far. Help us spread the word to local Utah folks. And for those in other communities around the country/world . . . join us in spirit! Organize an event where you are* (or get a friend to do it!) and see just what it can become. Feel free to promote using #freeswap and/or #sharingweallprosper. Let us know about events you are planning. Ask us questions. Share with us your great ideas of what has worked for you.

(*I understand that this concept is not a universally-accepted cultural practice. So it wouldn't work everywhere. But wherever it can . . .)

s h a r i n g  :  w e   a l l   p r o s p e r