Wednesday, May 23, 2012

8th Annual Free Community Swap Meet—a Flash Mob of Exchanging Free Stuff

Up until this point the “Free Yard Sale” has been a modest neighborhood affair.  This year I am expanding the scope of this mutual-sharing event to include any residents of the extended community.  The process has included a visit to the City Council, talking with the City Manager and the Neighborhood in Action Chair, writing my first press release, interviewing with a newspaper columnist, reaching out to organizations such as the United Way of Utah County and the Community Action Food Bank in Provo, and a few more things that I haven’t yet done. 

It has been a challenge, but one worth doing.

As for physically planning for it, that is another challenge.  Because it is kind of like a flash mob of giving and receiving stuff, it’s hard to tell if I should plan for 50 people or for 500 people.  I have 4 volunteers who have signed up to help, but I need more.  The pavilion has several aluminum picnic tables, but I hope participation is high and imagine we would need more display tables.  And who knows what the weather forecast will be . . .

So, below is what the flyer looks like.  Feel free to copy it, email it around, print it out and post it up at work, school, church, or ask a favorite business if it would be okay to post it up for customers to see.

Come.  Dream with me.

Free Community Swap Meet
for everyone and anyone
Saturday, June 2, 2012
8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Orem City Center Park—Rotary Pavilion
(North side of Center St., midway between State St. & 400 E.)

It’s like a yard sale where everything is free.  Clear out clutter, pass along items you no longer need.   Item donations are welcome—from furniture to home décor to sporting equipment.  Please limit donations to items that can be carried by one or two people; nothing that needs special moving equipment—i.e. dollies for refrigerators, etc.—unless you can assume responsibility for transport to its new home.  Simply bring items to the swap meet and then stay and browse the rest of the selection for anything that you could use.  Note: NO DONATION REQUIRED; feel free to take what you can use. 

There will also be a collection bin for any food bank items guests wish to bring which will later be delivered to the community Food Bank in Provo.

Volunteers wanted.  For those interested in helping with the event, please email information to

Portable display tables needed.  If you have a table that you are willing to loan for the event, please email information to above address.

Any other questions can be emailed to above address.